Condolences, Memories & Tributes

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100 entries.
Simona Montanari Simona Montanari wrote on June 3, 2020 at 7:19 pm
Dear Sheila,

Thank you for inviting me to be part of the community of relatives and friends who participate to the mourning of your father. I never had the chance to meet John Kirk Kamunyori, but I remember that the last time you and me met in Nairobi, in December, catching up after several years apart, you told me about him. I have read his life history on this website: indeed, his has been a remarkable and illustrious life. I`m not surprised though, because the say goes that the apple never falls far from the tree and you too, dear Sheila, are a remarkable person. Your father had every reason to be proud of you.

They say one is never old and mature enough to loose a parent. I'm afraid I've found out myself that this is a most inconvenient truth. It hurts now and it'll hurt for a long time. Your father will keep living in you though, and you'll see him in the little gestures that you sometimes make and in the pictures that your friends will take of you. That will keep amazing you every time like a new discovery, even after many years from now.

I wish I could be close to give you a proper hug.
My deepest condolences to your family.

Olivia Kiki Olivia Kiki wrote on June 2, 2020 at 1:19 pm
My deepest condolences to you Robert and your family during this time. May God comfort you, give you grace and rest your Dad's soul in eternal peace.
Betty T. Betty T. wrote on May 31, 2020 at 4:45 pm
Dearest Sheila, my deepest condolences go out to you, your, Mom, Robert and Joy.
I didn't get to meet your dad but this is what I know about him. He together with your mom created and raised three very smart, beautiful (inside and out) human beings. So thanks to your Dad for you my friend. May he rest in peace and may you all find peace as well during this time🙏🏾
Ashley Barash Ashley Barash wrote on May 30, 2020 at 3:14 pm
Sending love and my deepest condolences to the Kamunyori family.
Paul Paul wrote on May 30, 2020 at 6:22 am
Sincere condolences to Joy and your family.
Hope Griffin (Kellie’s Aunt in Maryland) Hope Griffin (Kellie’s Aunt in Maryland) wrote on May 30, 2020 at 3:18 am
Dear Joy, I was extremely saddened to learn about the passing of your beloved Dad. I read the obituary and I am so proud of all his accomplishments. He was truly a trailblazer in his family and community. Of course this is not surprising considering the amazing woman who he has raised. You are a true reflection of the influence that a parent can have on a child. Please accept my deepest sympathy. I pray that your family will find peace and comfort in the many wonderful things he has done in his life. With all my love and warm regards at this difficult time. “Auntie” Hope
Aysun Aysun wrote on May 29, 2020 at 11:05 pm
Dearest Sheila, I am so sorry for your loss. May Allah take your sweet father to heaven. Sending you a big hug from Turkey.
Cheng Cheng wrote on May 29, 2020 at 8:09 pm
Dear Sheila and your beautiful family,
My deepest condolences for your loss. I've known Sheila fairly recently, but we've bonded over having one parent suffering from cancer. It is not easy. From the little that I've come to know from Sheila, you're all just as strong and loving (if not more) than mine. My thoughts are with you, along with my biggest, tightest hugs from Malaysia.
Suzzi Suzzi wrote on May 29, 2020 at 6:17 pm
I never knew you personally but have known your son Robert. You raised a good son. Though your time here on earth is done, you have left a legacy to be remembered. You fought a good fight. Robert, my heartfelt condolences to you and your family at this time. May Dad's soul rest in eternal peace 🙏🙏🙏💔.
Eunie Khimulu Nyakundi Eunie Khimulu Nyakundi wrote on May 29, 2020 at 2:07 pm
Dear Auntie, Sheila, Robert & Joy you are all in my thoughts and prayers especially after laying Uncle John to rest today.

Growing up my childhood memories have our 2 families spending many weekends together and Uncle John seated at your back lawn laughing heartily...

May his soul rest in peace and our Lord comfort you 🙏🏼
Olive Munene-Owango Olive Munene-Owango wrote on May 29, 2020 at 1:41 pm
My sincere condolences Joy and Family, may the Lord encase you in his love, during this difficult time..may he wrap his peace around your hearts and strengthen you. Holding you up in prayer🙏
Kellie-Ann Smith Kellie-Ann Smith wrote on May 29, 2020 at 8:22 am
Joy and family, I just wanted to share my condolences. I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for your strength, peace and the comfort of happy memories. Actually I pray God will give you whatever it is you need to get through this. Today I join with you in honouring his life. While I did not know him, the tributes and life story I read, what I know about Joy and each of you who I’ve met, speak to the man and blessing he was.
Sylvie Amayo Sylvie Amayo wrote on May 29, 2020 at 7:10 am
To Robert, and the whole family; I am very sorry for your loss. I pray that you get the strength to help you make it through this difficult time. And I am happy to always lend a hand whenever needed as you run through the logistics and errands of this time.
Martin Yumbya Martin Yumbya wrote on May 29, 2020 at 6:23 am
Dear Sheila & Robert,

My deepest condolences for the loss of your Dad. Unfortunately I never got to meet him, but from the tributes I've read and what I've heard, I can tell that he was an amazing person 😊.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong for each other, stand together, and it will be well. God Bless
Annette Omolo Annette Omolo wrote on May 29, 2020 at 6:15 am
Dear Sheila, as you lay your dad to rest today, my thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. God will see you through this difficult day and in days to come grant you His grace, comfort and peace that indeed passes all understanding. Remember it's not dad you lower down, but the earthly body he used on earth his soul lives on in heaven and one day you will be reunited. Revelations 21:4 God will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
Irene Mwaura Irene Mwaura wrote on May 29, 2020 at 6:12 am
Praying for you all today. For peace and comfort to surround you in the days ahead. Your in our thoughts and may your Papa rest in peace.
Patrick muriithi Patrick muriithi wrote on May 29, 2020 at 2:58 am
My most sincere condolences to josphine and family . We will greatly miss John . My heart and mind r with
Georgina Ochieng Thompson Georgina Ochieng Thompson wrote on May 29, 2020 at 2:46 am
One thought that has always given me comfort on such occasions is knowing that heaven is filled with other family members and close friends who are ready to welcome him in heaven so Mr Kamunyori will not be alone.
So we shall say farewell for now till we meet again.
Sheila, Joy, Robert, and Mrs Kamunyori, you are in our prayers. May the Lord give you comfort.
Jonathan Awori Jonathan Awori wrote on May 29, 2020 at 1:22 am
I was very sorry to hear of John Kamunyori’s passing. But I am grateful to have experienced his essence through his wonderful children Sheila, Robert and Joy who has been such a devoted friend to my sister Malaika. Through them he will live on. Sending you all much love from Seattle.
Lynne Farrah Lynne Farrah wrote on May 28, 2020 at 8:51 pm
There is so much I remember about Uncle John but also so much I didn't know until I read his life history.
I met him through Sheila and Robert who I was in school with since kindergarten, Sheila and I continued in the same class in primary through to high school, as an only child, the Kamunyoris became a surrogate family.
What I do remember about Uncle John is his laughter, he had a laugh that came from deep within...his smile was always genuine, you could see it in his eyes. He loved to read and seemed to know something about almost everything...I remember he took a genuine interest in all our achievements, not just his kids. I remember him cheering me on at swimming galas and celebrating my wins with great enthusiasm. I remember the easy manner with which you could talk to him, he wasn't a 'kali' Dad. I remember his gold or bronze coloured car, Peugeot I think, and him driving into Msongari to pick Sheila and Joy. I remember Sheila and I negotiating sleepovers with our Dads...there is so much of my formative years that is peppered with memories of him.
It saddens me that I can't say goodbye, however, I thank God for the opportunity to know such a great Dad, who welcomed his children's friends into his family. Auntie Josephine, Sheila, Robert and Joy my deepest condolences go out to you, may God give you strength and comfort during this time. Uncle John may God grant you eternal rest and may perpetual light shine upon you. Godspeed